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Le Collectif d'artistes Phonoscope Presente :


Music for listeners...


Die Konzertreihe PhonoScope bringt jeden 2. Freitag im Monat (moreless!) verschiedene Künstler für ein Konzert in SUSI Café.
Dabei geht es weniger um den Stil der jeweiligen Künstler, als die Bereitschaft die Tiefe des Klangs und der Veranstaltung auszuloten.

Groovige Stücke, Klanglandschaften, phantastische Texte, Soundeskapaden und Songs stehen nicht nebeneinander, sondern werden zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk.

Also Mitwippen und Staunen!



Fr. 8th Dezember, 21Uhr, Kundalini-Accuario Cosmico (Garage Rock&Roll, Surf and R&Blues)

They where with us in April, they shaked the room, and people had practice there Surf niveau on the swet! They where sweet, and called Accuario Cosmico, now the Snake Kundalini is rising in the Accuario to awake us with the consciousness to elevate us. Kundalini is The energetic snake from the body! Kundalini Accuario Cosmico, will be back this December, welcome to to discover again there honnest sound, Peace and Love

The Band : 

Drums: Carsten Auerbach 
Bass: Oliver Boness
Guitar and Voice: Gonzalo Marinucci

Influence :

The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, MC5, The Ventures, The Surfaris, Dick Dale, Frank Sinatra, Carlos Gardel, Manal, Flema, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, The Doors, The Animals, Johnny Cash, The Sonics, The Astronauts.


13. Oktober, in Zwischenraum Löracherstr. 9, at 19:30, Music from the Guest Room

Phonoscope event change the place and this time in cooperation with the Zwischenraum Freiburg in Löracherstr. 9. Rendez-vous avec vous on Friday 13th of Oktober at 19h30 officially! under their white small and beautifull spherical tente.

On the Programm : Music From the Guest Room concert and then a Jam session/open stage. It will be an opportunity to bring some music and open a stage for the brothers and sisters from the refugees camp in Löracherstr. Please share the info!

Music from the guest room description : Verschiedene hochbegabte Freiburger Musiker hatten Lust mal auf Fusion Muzik und improvisation zu grooven. Music from the Guest Room was born with Phonoscope Nacht Concert-Session in Freiburg ; where music lovers, professionals or amateurs, perform a live concert followed by a Jam session, open and free. The different background of each musician, participate to create a new sound adventure, Jazzy, groovy, smooth, contemplative, old or new, no borders, chaos or ordre, a touching experience of live music full of a lovely surprises. This is the spirit of our hospitality.
This time, Music from the Guest rRoom are : the Oud player Hadji Ahmed, Beuz Thiombane/ Percussionist, Klaus Wallmeier/Drums, Philipp Gerhart /E-Bass and Contre-bass, Philipp Herlyn/Trompete/Key Board. After a spontaneous fantastic jam session, they had the idea to meet again and make an other experience together and with other surprise guests.
The music should unfortunately stop at 22h for the neighborhood request. but anyway, it is enough for this night to share a bit of music!
Danke, Salam und Viel Spass

Fr. 8th September, 21uhr, TLQ, Tabea Luisa Quartett (India-Deutshland)

Music make people happy. And happy people do good things. And good things, even the smallest, make the world a better place. 

So turn the music on! 

Fr. 28th July 2017, 21Uhr Jonz (Tel Aviv)

JonZ is an intimate optimistic duo that was created during a musical journey of Jenia Vasilenko and Yoav Or in 2014.  on the Zamarin mountainside they started writing separately, and the desire for harmony and co-creation, brought them to reassemble the lyrics and to integrate sounds and melodies creating their gentle folk songs.

The path of life they chose, is the guideline and the essence of the band. This is expressed in the desire for roaming life that combines with many different types of art. 

After releasing their first live recording from Ada's hills, JonZ are now recording their debut album in Tel-Aviv, which is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2017. JonZ has played in Major festivals  such InDnegev, Haifa 100 live, and they where touring the south of France (Rhône alpes) during winter.

In this up coming summer they are coming again to Europ for a tour, ROSA LAUB Festival and more places around such as LU99 in Leipzig, Phonoscope in Freibirg, Le Motel in Paris, and Cross Club in Prague. We would be more than happy to meet you as well. 


Fr. 29. Jun, 21uhr, Neckar-Ganga Project (Varanasi, India- Mannheim De)

NeckarGanga was formed in 2014 when 3 musicians from the river „Neckar“ in Mannheim/Germany met up and played with 3 musicians from Varanasi - represented by the river „Ganga“.
The group creates a mixure of indian classical, jazz and world music influence.
In 2016 NeckarGanga released their first album „Innaad“ and played a tour in Germany.

9th Jun, Michael Oertel Band (Freiburg)

Michael Oertel Website here :


Das Gitarrenspielen und Singen hat er hauptsächlich durch das Anhören von Aufnahmen gelernt. Durch seine Versuche herauszufinden, was die Meister des Blues, Rock und Jazz machten, verfolgt er jetzt seinen (eigenen) Weg, der ihn verbunden hält mit der Energie und Emotion der Musik, um daran im eigenen Singen, Spielen und Komponieren wachsen zu können.

Mai 26th, Exceptional Phonoscope : Stories and Music from The Yankeles, ab 21Uhr


Gaunerehrlich, todglücklich und stinkunnormal, so präsentieren sich „The Yankeles“.Die charmante Klesmerkapelje fand sich 2011 an der Musikhochschule Freiburg zusammen.Infiziert durch die mitreißenden Klänge der jiddischen Musik und des bessarabischen Lebensgefühls, malen sie in Wort und Ton „eine und tausend Musikgeschichten“.Erfrischend fröhlich wird von Kühen und Onkel Yankele erzählt, der den Musikern seinen ganz eigenen Klezmer vererbt hat.Die Reise zeigt viele Gesichter einer eigenen emotionsgeladenen Klangwelt, die zum Tanzen, Träumen und Schmunzeln anregt!Inspirieren lassen sie sich dabei von allem was Klang und Namen hat. Ihre Wurzeln liegen indes im Jazz und der Klassik, doch auch die irischen und arabischen Klänge befinden sich irgendwo tief in ihrem Koffer.Herrlich lebendig und absolut authentisch zeigen „The Yankeles“ wie viel Spaß und Freude in der Welt des Klezmer steckt!

Fr. 12th Mai, 21Uhr, the Victor Cidnavi Quartett

  • original compositions with catchy themes, influenced by blues, R&B, soul, funk, modal jazz and the high-energy jazz of the late 60s. In addition to the stylistic versatility, the high intensity of the solo improvisations lends a unique touch to the sound of the band. The evening offers neither light entertainment nor "Jazz off the shelf" - instead, you will enjoy plenty of uncompromising drum beats from Tobias Zipfel, propulsive bass lines from John Schu and high-pitch flights on the saxophone from Victor Cidnavi. 

  • Tobias Zipfel - drums

  • Sven Rieger - electric guitar

  • John Schu - electric bass

  • Victor Cidnavi - tenor saxophone

Thursday! 13th April : Special Night : Performance when Jan F. Kurth ft. Jonathan Maag/ und Konzert von Accuario Cosmico (Psychedelic Latin American Rock) 21Uhr,

For an exception this Phonoscope will come on Thursday 13th of April. This time we are pleased to have two concerts, with Jan F. Kurth a musician and great vocalist, performer and improviser and Jonathan Maag one of the best saxophonist we know in the region, will meet for a concerto performance.
The second act will be a concert from Accuario Cosmico (Buenos Aires-Freiburg) a Rock-indie-psychedelich surf Band, almost showing up from the seventith, inviting people to bounce and dance. 

Acuario Cosmico is a Self produced musical project which grows in every country I land. Rock&Roll with Surf and Garage roots and a spice of Tango touch in the lyrics. 
Taking place since 2009 in Remedios de Escalad, Argentina till the Black Forest in Germany where we are now.
Every city I lived in like Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Berlin and Freiburg brought a further influence and development. Many intresting musicians had taken part in Acuario Cosmico and gave it a special touch, bringing the Underground Music from Buenos Aires to the world.
(Gonzalo Mrrinucci, Guitarist and Singer)

März 10th, Yemaya Projekt Konzert, 21h

Die Gruppe Yemaya gibt es seit über 10 Jahren.Der Name Yemaya ist durch die Verbundenheit mit der brasilianischen Kultur und  dem Meer gekommen. ( Yemaya ist in der afro-brasilianischen Kultur die Göttin des Meeres)Entstanden ist die Gruppe aus einer Trommelgruppe, zur der dann ein Gitarrist und ein Akkordeonist dazugestoßen sind.Unser Repertoire reicht von afrikanischen und brasilianischen Liedernüber Cajun und Musette bis zu Eigenkompositionen. Unsere Art Percussion und Melodie zu verbinden ergibt eine unverbrauchte Emotion und einen Klang, der uns zu einer gerngehörten Band auf Feiern und Veranstaltungen macht. von feinfühligen Akkordeon-Passagen bis zu heftigem Samba-Reggae mit den großen Surdo Trommeln spielen wir alles, was das Ohr reizt und was ein Tanzbein braucht. 




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